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Post 40 met the 492 Civil Affairs Battalion and their leadership Team.
We are looking to form a Relationship them. Our Current Adjutant and Former Post Commander Chris Bell sets up a Ride in the Newest Combat Vehicle to replace the HMMWV Chris Bell our Adjutant and former Post 40 Commander 
is the TC for this ride The Army has come a long way I had an Office Call with the Leadership of Luke AirForce Base.  I met with Command Chief Master Sergeant SHAFFER, JASON Q CMSgt USAF AETC 56 FW/CCC*

We discussed our future in developing a relationship with the VFW.
We also talk about what future events the VFW could participate in on Base.

CMSgt Shaffer invited me to his monthly meeting with the Senior Enlisted Leaders and Advisors for the Units on his Base.  This meeting is called the 11/4/2023 The 492nd CA BN conducted their Battalion Change of Command Ceremony 
Post 40 CDR, Senior Vice, Jr Vice/ Service Officers and Chaplain in attendance 
Change of Command